Join us in this 7-week small group container to begin to surrender, embody, love, and flow with The Self

Have you struggled to find your purpose? Or maybe you’ve found it but find it hard to align with it? Second guess yourself? Do you let your emotions run the show?

Do you struggle with emotional regulation? Do you feel the fire in the pit of your stomach or maybe it’s in the middle of your chest, you know you’re meant for more but feel stuck in the cycle you’re currently in? Or maybe you’re manifesting a partner or career and really want to connect with your Higher Self.

What would it feel like if you could make the best decisions you can from an empowered place? If you could not only hear, but trust your intuition?

What would it look like to be able to set boundaries around what you want and how you want to be treated? To be able to come back to yourself when you’re feeling emotionally activated and move forward from a calm non-reactive place?

Introducing The Self*

The Home Experiences Surrender, Embodiment, Love & Flow*

This small and intimate container brings you through a 7-week coaching program designed to help you connect with and trust yourself. The Self was created to help you connect with your higher Self, to create awareness, acceptance, regulation, and love for who you are. Join us on this powerful journey of experiencing The Self.

What you’ll get:

Weekly calls

Group text support

The Emotional Mastery Workbook

Lifetime access to the course content and community with current and future program members

Ok, here’s the part where you’ve been scrolling to find, the investment.

The Self is $1000 for the 7-week program. It won’t be this price again, this round is the first round I’m opening up. It’s been coming through strong during meditations and all around me.

There are payment plans: 2 payments of $500 or 4 payments of $250

I want you to feel confident when you enroll in this program so I urge you to follow your authority. You’ll also have a 14 day money back guarantee! I know you’ll find so much value in learning to self-regulate your emotions among the other amazing content that will be in this program and I can’t wait to watch you surrender, embody, love, and flow during these 7 weeks together.

Week 1: Intention Setting

Week 2: Self-care practices, emotional regulation, and self-awareness

Week 3: Tapping into your body (all the physical stuff)

Week 4: Integration week and Q&A

Week 5: Co-creation and manifestation. Working with the Universe

Week 6: Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing

Week 7: Human Design, Astrology, and Attachment Styles

Your Facilitator

Rochelle Christiane is a holistic health and gut health practitioner, Human Design expert, Astrology lover, and host of the Emotional Mastery Podcast.

I can’t wait to see you on the inside as you connect to The Self.

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