
Empowering you in your journey of self discovery

9 weeks to self discovery through deeply and intimately connecting with your chart. You are already whole, yet sometimes we need a reminder and your design and charts provide the languaging to stir that reminder of our soul.

9 Weeks to Remembering Who You Are

Are you ready to dive into your chart? Do you feel lost trying to understand the nuances? Do you want to connect more deeply with your soul but not sure where to start?

Hi, I’m Rochelle

Taurus ☀️ Leo Moon 🌙 and Rising

6/3 Emotional Manifesting Generator

Holistic Health Practitioner

Human Design Coach and Astrologer

About 7 years ago, I went through a messy divorce. My relationship had torn me down and I didn’t know which way was up. It was a fast, intense marriage that resulted in my son, but in the meantime was toxic and left me feeling empty and lost.

I began my slow journey of rediscovering who I was. I had spent so much time resisting the parts of me that others didn’t like, telling myself that I was wrong for those qualities and tried every way I could to “fix” it.

Then, I came upon Human Design and Astrology, or rather these modalities found me, and realized all the things I was resisting were simply part of who I was.

The more I became intimate with my chart, with myself, the more I came to not only accept those parts of me but embrace them.

I couldn’t stop with just learning for myself, I dove in as deeply as I could and for the last 5 years I’ve consumed countless courses, books learned through sessions and everyone I meet.

As humans, we are here in this physical body to experience this emotional and sometimes chaotic life. Our souls chose this yet somehow we choose to experience suffering through it.

I believe Astrology is our souls path into these physical vessels, the energy of the planets influences our personality. Of course we all have free will, part of the beauty of being human, yet of all the charts I’ve ready, there is truth and connection in them all.

My goal in these 9 weeks is to help you remember who you are, to get in touch with yourself on a soul level. To dive deeply into the layers of your chart and empower you with the knowledge and tools to continue this exploration of self.


Inside these 9 weeks you’ll…

Get in touch with your Self. Understand the nuances of your chart and how they show up for you. Understand the dynamics of the planets and how they impact each other and the lens you view from, and finally, accept and fully see yourself. The goal is radical self love and it starts here.

Q&A Calls

Weekly Q&A calls to support you in your understanding of your chart.


What’s App group to ask questions and find accountability with others moving through the 9 weeks.


Take your chart in your own hands and feel empowered in who you are.

Lifetime Access

Lifetime access to the program and call replays.

9 weeks to empower her

9 week deep dive into understanding the dynamics of your chart


9 weeks to self empowerment



Pay in Full



2 payments


1:1 coaching package


Pay in Full

EmpowHer to find your highest self

Site: www.rochellechristiane.com

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